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There are many variations of passages of available but majority have alteration
Hall no: 69
03 Sep

The different ways we learn


TEXT: Matt. 11:29

Learning is a never ending adventure in life. To stop learning is to start dying. There is nothing that’s worth it that doesn’t require learning L as far as life is concerned. Your learning determines your earnings. Show me an addicted learner, and I will show you a great leader among men. Child of God, what you are too big to learn, you are too small to manifest. Being a learner is an attitude you possess otherwise you grow up a dummy, no matter your age. A wise man learns from anything under any circumstance. He either learns what to do or what not to do. You know why the bible says pride goes before a fall? It is basically because a proud man does not learn, he is too big to do so and the things he refuses to learn become his disadvantage in his critical years (Prov. 16:18).

The purpose of this lesson however is not to look at the art of learning in details, but to just enlighten us about the basic ways people learn. This will help you locate yourself in your learning adventure. There are 3 basic ways among others which are:

1. By Wisdom (Prov. 1:4-5): You learn by wisdom because wisdom is a teacher. Wisdom teaches you ahead of time so you are prepared. God has given us His wisdom in the bible to help us learn everything ahead of time. If you learn by wisdom, you will save yourself a lot of troubles. It is not all problems you solve, you avoid some especially when they have no direct relevance to your course in destiny. All manners of problems bedevil the man who doesn’t learn by wisdom.

 Learning By Wisdom Is In 3 Dimensions Namely:

A. Instruction: Wisdom comes to you through instructions. An instructed man is a wise man. A large percentage of God’s wisdom dealing with us are through instructions, the bible is replete with this. If you are too big to be instructed, you are a foolish man. It is instruction that delivers from destruction. Every destruction is instruction ignored (Prov. 4:13). Instruction shows you what to do and the way to go (Ps. 25:12, 32:8). Instruction can come from the Holy Spirit directly, but often times it comes through divinely ordained human authorities placed by God over you per time. If you don’t listen to their instructions as they themselves hear it from God for you, you may not hear God talking to you again directly on that matter. You learn to walk with God by learning to walk with men that are higher than you in the things of God per time.

To be continued....

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